Comics & Storyboards

Luis G. Moreno is creating the visual framework and the narrative for each episode of his original series titled “Beach Racers”. This tale follows an unexpected turn of events as a young boy finds himself embarking on an intensive training regimen for a marathon taking place along the sun-drenched shores.

Among the creative works of Luis G. Moreno are the storyboards he has written and illustrated for his original comic book series. One of these series, titled "Para Siempre 4EVER", delves into the joys and challenges faced by a newly formed couple. 

Moreno's artistic abilities gained international recognition when his work was featured in two separate Snapchat campaigns. These holiday themed campaigns involved an interactive feature that merged users' faces with the comic's central characters, providing a unique and immersive experience for users.

Content creator Luis G. Moreno, strategically integrates his artistic endeavors with his influencer projects. By doing so, Moreno enhances and amplifies his brand, @MorenoArtwork.